Henry Hexham

Henry Hexham

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An Experimentall Discoverie of Spanish Practises, Or, the Counsell of a Well-Wishing Souldier, for the Good of His Prince and State Wherein Is Manifested from Known Experience, Both the Cruelty, and Policy of the Spaniard, to Effect His Own Ends (19 % NR
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An Experimentall Discoverie of Spanish Practices, Or, the Counsell of a Well-Wishing Souldier, for the Good of His Prince and State Wherein Is Manifested from Known Experience, Both the Cruelty, and Policy of the Spaniard, to Effect His Own Ends (19 % NR
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A Copious English and Netherduytch Dictionarie Composed Out of Our Best English Authours: With an Appendix of the Names of All Kind of Beasts, Fowles, Birds, Fishes, Hunting, and Hawking (1647)2 % NR
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The First Part of the Principles of the Art Military Practiced in the Warres of the United Netherlands, Vnder the Command of His Highnesse the Prince of Orange Our Captaine Generall (1642)9 % NR
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Het Groot Woorden-Boeck, Gestelt In't Neder-Duytsch Ende In't Engelsch ALS Oock Tot Dienst Van Den Leer-Gierigen Verryckt Met Een Korte Ende Bondige Nederduytsche Grammatica (1648)1 % NR
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The Art of Fortification, or Architecture Militaire as Vvell Offensiue as Defensiue, Compiled & Set Forth, by Samuell Marolois Revievved, Augmented and Corrected by Albert Girard Mathematician: & Translated Into English by Henry Hexam (1631)6 % NR
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The Refutation of an Epistle, Written by a Certain Doctor of the Augustins Order Within the Citie of Leige Together with the Arguments to Proue the Inuocation of Saints. by Iohn Polyander and Now Translated by Henry Hexham. (1610)24 % NR
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