Henry B Malone

Henry B MalonePersonal Info concerning Pastor HankPastor Hank or simply Pastor is my preferred identifi cation. I was born in Whittier California. We moved to Kirkwood Missouri and then for about one year grew up as the only white boy in my class in Gallup, ew Mexico. Th is was when I was 11 or 12 and I had a fi ght every day going to and leaving school. Th is was more learning how to fi t and live together with us kids trying to determine our way and place. I knew hard times as a kid and worked selling papers. Th ey were 7 cents and the paper boy got to keep 2 cents. Th at was about $1.50 to $2.00 a night in the cold. We were poor and often the money I made would put the food on the table. My step-father was a shoe repairman and he worked at that trade until he was 92. We, my two sisters, brother and I, went to live with my grandfather and grandmother in Kirkwood, Missouri, a suburb of St. Louis after about a year of living in Gallop. For high school I attend a boarding school, St. John's Academy in Winfi eld, Kansas. I loved sports and our family of about 20 kids in my class. Th is was a coed academy. My fi nal year I was the Academy Student Body President. I lettered in baseball three years and basketball one or two. Later I went to Columbia Missouri and met my wife Dianne. We got married in 1966 and had twin daughters right away. We had two more daughters. We have today four grandsons and one granddaughter. My wife is my rock and happy half. We have been married for about 56 years. Kids mean a lot to me and my chapel times with the preschoolers still are the best moments in ministry. I got my PhD in family counseling while in Palms, Michigan. Th ere was nobody doing counseling and there was a lot of need. I learned as I went and came to realize that psychology is really only a way for people to cope with the problems of the day. It really doesn't fi x much. Th e pastor's tools of confession and absolution actually fi xed the real problem, the need for forgiveness. I enjoyed teaching at the Lutheran Heritage and South Sudanese Lutheran Church Seminary in Yambio for two weeks. I also enjoyed a really cold beer the last day there. I taught the Gospel of John. Th at was only about three years ago. I normally try to watch a fi lm each night during the pandemic to breakup the day. I am also work on the next book, "Th e Sacred Writings and Preaching of Peter according to Mark." My goal is to continue this project comparing the Greek text until all of the New Testament writings are complete. I love preaching and being a pastor and counselor in ministry. Doing the studies in Greek keeps me in God's Word. Read More Read Less

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Sacred Writings of St. John the ApostleNR
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06 Jan 2023
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Preaching and Sacred Writings of St. Peter the Apostle Kata St. MarkNR
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31 May 2023
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Preaching and Sacred Writings of St. Peter the Apostle Kata St. MarkNR
Publisher: Authors Press
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02 Jun 2023
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Sacred Writings of St. John the Apostle21 % NR
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02 Nov 2021
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Sacred Writing of St. Matthew the Apostle / An Address to the Children of IsraelNR
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Sacred Writing of St. Matthew the Apostle / An Address to the Children of IsraelNR
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