Henri Decamps

Henri DecampsDomain of Research: River Ecology and riparian landscapes. Functions: - Director of the Centre d'Ecologie des Ressources Renouvelables, CNRS Laboratory in Toulouse (1981-1995). - Director of the team "Ecologie des écosystèmes riverains" at the Centr d'Ecologie des Systèms Aquatiques Continentaux, CNRS et Université Toulouse 3 (1995-2001). Present National Responsibility: - President of the "Groupement d'Intérêt Public: Ecosystèmes Forestiers - ECOFOR" (2000- - President of several Scientific Committees at the French Ministry of the Environment. Past International Responsibilities: - President of the Scientific Committee of the programme MAB.UNESCO "Land-Inland Water interface: Research and Management" (1988-1996) - President of the "Internaional Association for Landscape Ecology" (IALE) (1991-1995) - Scientific coordinator of the programmes of the European Commission: 'European River Margins' et 'Floodplain Biodiversity and Restoration'. Organization of the internationa symposia: - "Quels Flueves pour demain?" Ministère de l'Environment et CNRS, Orléans, September 1991. - "World Congress of the International Association for the Landscape Ecology (IALE)," Touslouse, July 1995. - "Eighth International Symposium on Regulated Streams - EISORS," Toulouse, July 2000. Teaching: - University of Toulouse: Aquatic Ecology lectures at the PhD level (1990-1996). - Univresity of Roskilde, Denmark: international seminars at the PhD level 'Landscape ecology and the dynamics of agricultural landscapes' (1997 and 2000). - University de Sao Paulo, Brazil: Landscape Ecology lectures at the PhD level (1998). Read More Read Less

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