Hema Lakkaraju

Hema LakkarajuHema Lakkaraju is passionate about her work and is proud of her 12+ years of experience in data-centric, governance, risk, and compliance in the health and life science industry. Her work as an international speaker, blogger, podcaster, and enrepreneur assisted her natural, lateral move into passing on knowledge as an author. Helping others triumph and flourish is a goal of hers, and she's not done yet!Hema founded HAYAG CORP, an organization dedicated to helping health and life science groups create and effectively implement data-centric compliance and strategic data management framework. As a thought leader and advocate for these topics, she's always pursuing new avenues to spread and share her extensive knowledge. This includes acting as a CISO panelist and international speaker at conferences like IoT world, Secure world, Cyber security, and Cloud Expo. She hopes to encourage others to listen, learn, and adapt to technology so their businesses can not only succeed, but thrive. Read More Read Less

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Strategic Data Management for Successful Healthcare Outcomes26 % NR
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30 Nov 2021
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