Heli Askola

Heli AskolaHeli Askola's background as an international migrant informs both her research and teaching. Having left her native Finland in 2001, Dr Askola has since then worked in Italy and the United Kingdom, and is currently based in Australia. Her central resarch theme is the study of migrant-receiving states' management of international migration, from an interdisciplinary and comparative perspective. Her main research interests are in the areas of immigration and citizenship, trafficking in human beings, European Union law, gender equality, human rights and multiculturalism. She is the author of a number of publications, including a book on the EU's role in combating trafficking in human beings. She believes in internationalising legal education and encouraging students to understand their own legal system through a comparative lens. She has taught courses in many countries such as Canada, Italy and Malaysia. She has also done consulting work for the International Organization for Migration, the European Commission and the European Parliament on areas such as trafficking in human beings, EU citizenship, hate speech and children's rights. Read More Read Less

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