Heidi Arnone

Heidi ArnoneHeidi resides in a township of fewer than 6,000 people in the heart of Michigan near Lake Huron with her beloved husband, Paul; children Devy, Kinley, and Liam; and a guardian angel daughter, Annabelle, who watches from above. She holds an MS degree n human services. Heidi absolutely cherishes the outdoors and being in the presence of her loved ones near and far. All of you know who you are, even if we haven't connected in years! She loves conquering new challenges. Some of her passionate practices include worshiping our Lord; praying forgiveness for the past, present, and future generations; spending quality time with family; reading books; dancing and moving; being on and near the water; exploring new areas; listening to the sounds of nature; surrounding herself with others; helping where she can; and of course writing! Read More Read Less

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How to Succeed in the Vocation of Marriage in This Chaotic World20 % NR
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