Heba Nicolaci

Heba NicolaciMy spiritual journey started in Sydney, Australia in 1996, where I found myself among a group of anonymous meditators and spiritual seekers after walking through the dark shadows of fear, ignorance, violence and other challenges that young women wereoften confronted with. Living through years of emotional, mental and physical repression as well as immense inner turmoil due to witnessing of many incidences of hate, bigotry, and violence, firsthand, coupled with a strong desire to find happiness in a world full of darkness and falsity, propelled me to seek the light, beyond the world's shadow cast.It was in the year 1999 that I had my first Samadhi (meditative ecstasy) experience that lasted for several hours; I knew there was something much larger and significantly more important than this physical world! This was the beginning of my illumination, the transcendence of fear, guilt, and shame into the higher mind where empowerment lies dormant. It is then that I began to feel sparks of light enter my heart, dispelling the darkness that once almost took my life.Coming out of the shadows after a sublime encounter with God consciousness, my journey, subsequently, became centred on helping people realise their inner light and illuminate their inner flame by encouraging, empowering and guiding them.Today, I am a healer, spiritual mentor, writer, and meditation and yoga teacher. I was initiated into Chid Shakti Prakriya (Consciousness Awakening Meditation) and Vedanta philosophy by my guruji, Dr Omanand from India. Having had a powerful kundalini awakening in 2016, he blessed me with divine Shakti and personal guidance that inspired me to open my first spiritual ashram in Victoria Australia in 2016. In 2021 I and my husband began exploring sound techniques and meditative experiences that take the mind into higher state of consciousness; We are currently opening our second ashram and spiritual retreat in Australia. These series of awakenings along with many others led me to compile my first publication 'Journey of the Awakening Heart'. Poetry speaks, they say! Especially poetry that emanates straight from the heart. Read More Read Less

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Journey of the Awakening Heart26 % NR
Publisher: Collective Rising
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16 Dec 2021
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