Heather Joy Sharon

Heather Joy SharonHeather Joy Sharon is a teacher trainer, coach, and author. She is acknowledged for her passion for equity and excellence in education and her belief that all children have a right to learn to read. Her first book 'Do I Have To?' is a picture book tht tells the story of Calum, a tiny caterpillar who embarks on a journey with some trepidation. Whilst the words tell the main story, there are elements within the illustrations that add to the narrative. The question 'Do I Have To?' is most popularly asked by children, however as adults, it can be easy to stay in a comfort zone, sometimes unaware of what maybe holding you back from taking the next step towards the goal or dream that you desire. Without the certainty of the journey, do we stay put or take the next step? Whilst this book is dedicated to young children, most adults may recognise a time in their own journey of the comfort zone that can be so easy to stay in, without the rewards of taking the next step towards the future that you deserve. Read More Read Less

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31 Mar 2023
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