Heather J CriderHeather J. Crider Biography: Grounded and mentored in the most advanced research from the most recognized thought leaders in neuroscience at the world's top institutions (Harvard, Princeton, Yale, MIT, Wharton, Brown, etc.) Heather J. Crider is one o our nation's few certified coaches in both neuroscience and the emerging fields of neuro-performance and neuro-leadership. With a discerning bias toward a practical, evidence-based approach, industry-leading companies worldwide tap Heather's uniquely honed, highly engaging, neuroscience-based ability to empower overwhelmed professionals to beat burnout, equip leaders with exceptional resilience, unleash brain-powered breakthroughs, deepen human connections, as well as unlock both boundless energy and superlative performance. On behalf of her global clients, Heather is currently pioneering new research and methodology, using the uniquely potent interface of music and neuroscience to achieve optimal (measurable) gains in engagement, performance, and results. As Co-Creator of The Everyday Rockstar Performance Leadership Academy, Heather and her global research team have developed a distinctively interactive, AI-enabled, and practical brain-based approach that measurably reduces stress while enhancing emotional intelligence, performance, and focus at individual, group, and organizational levels. Heather has been a sought-after keynote speaker and thought leader at conferences and associations for over 15 years and hosts the Go Reflect Yourself Podcast. As a neuroscience coach and neuro-practice pioneer, Heather has appeared on numerous podcasts and webinars and has been featured in Forbes, Yahoo Finance, Brainz Magazine, and Thrive Global. Read More Read Less