Heather Hedrick FinkHeather Hedrick Fink, MS, RD, LD, CSSD Heather Hedrick Fink, owner of Nutrition and Wellness Solutions, LLC, is a Registered Dietitian and Board Certified as a Specialist in Sport Dietetics. She completed her undergraduate degree in dietetics as wellas her master of science degree in kinesiology at the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign. Heather is also certified by the American College of Sports Medicine as a Certified Exercise Physiologist. Heather has been providing nutrition, fitness, and wellness programming to individuals, corporations, and athletic teams for more than 20 years. Heather's interests and extensive experience are in the areas of wellness, disease prevention, weight management, exercise programming, vegetarian nutrition, and sports nutrition, ranging from the recreational to the ultra-endurance athlete. Her sports nutrition practice includes acting as the sports dietitian for the Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis athletic department, as well as working with club teams, individual athletes, trainers, and coaches to optimize their nutrition and hydration strategies. She has appeared on local NBC, CBS, and cable television shows and news broadcasts to educate central Indiana residents on the benefits of a healthy lifestyle. Heather is also the author of the Absolute Beginner's Guide to Half Marathon Training. She has been interviewed and quoted in Women's Day, Ladies Home Journal, and Newsweek magazines. Heather is also an accomplished triathlete, duathlete, and marathon runner who has qualified for and competed in the Hawaii Ironman and Boston Marathon. Read More Read Less