Hazel Allen Barry

Hazel Allen BarryIt took Hazel Allen Barry twenty-four years to write this, her first book. The first few chapters took two months, the rest took two decades, not counting the time it sat idle on a shelf. The writing of her personal story was a thorough cleansing. Th more she wrote, the more she healed. Hazel Barry grew up in a small rural Oregon community in the 50s and 60s when life was simple and predictable. However, she was not predictable, and that fact directed the rest of her life. As a wife and mother, she escaped and ran from abuse. She needed to know who she was and what she was made of. Through heartbreak and happiness, she learned about unconditional love, her faith and her inner strength...and that is what finally brought her home. Hazel Barry is an accomplished artist, a designer, and a writer. She lives in Medford, Oregon with her husband, Jim. Read More Read Less

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With Her Head in the Clouds22 % NR
Publisher: Hazel Allen Barry
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03 Oct 2021
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