Hayoung A Lim

Hayoung A LimDr. Hayoung Lim is Assistant Professor of Music Therapy and Director of Graduate Studies in Music Therapy at Sam Houston State University, Texas. She has a PhD in music education with an emphasis on music therapy, from the University of Miami, Florid. She has worked as a music therapist in a number of hospitals, schools and organizations with a diverse range of clients including individuals with mental illnesses, developmental disorders, medical problems, neurologic impairments and dementia. Her research focuses on the effect of music on children with ASD and the effect of musical experiences on cognition, speech and language, and physical rehabilitation. She is also a concert cellist and lives in The Woodlands, Texas with her husband and son. Read More Read Less

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Early Childhood Music Therapy and Autism Spectrum Disorder, Second Edition17 % NR
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Developmental Speech-Language Training Through Music for Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders35 %
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