Harry Rogerson

Harry RogersonHarry Rogerson was born and raised in Wilmington, where his family lived in the Woodlawn Flats. He attended the Charles. B. Lore School until his family moved to the Elsmere area. After graduating from Henry C. Conrad High School, he worked for a yea at the Wilmington Dry Goods Company on Market Street as a salesperson. There he met his future wife. After serving three years in the U.S. Army as a missile specialist--including thirteen months in South Korea--he began working for the E.I. du Pont Company, retiring in 1991 from his position as a quality assurance specialist. During that time, he also acquired an associate's degree in computers from the RCA Technical Institute. Upon retiring, he became a life member of the VFW and also provided computer services to local political candidates.
His website is www.oldwilmington.net.
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