Harry PolkinhornHarry Polkinhorn is a psychoanalyst, professor of English and Comparative Literature at San Diego State University, and director of SDSU Press. He is the author of ten collections of poetry, most recently DEMOS ONEIRON (Junction Press, 2011) and he Circle of Willis (Ex Press, 2010); five works of fiction, including Trauma (Ex Press, 2010); ten volumes of translations; and two collections of visual poetry, including Bridges of Skin Money (Xexoxial Editions, 2008). Among the sixteen books he has edited or co-edited are ACROSS THE LINE/AL OTRO LADO: THE POETRY OF BAJA CALIFORNIA (Junction Press, 2002), with Mark Weiss; and CALÓ A DICTIONARY OF SPANISH BARRIO AND BORDER SLANG (Junction Press, 2011), with Alfredo Velasco. Read More Read Less
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