Harold L Russell

Harold L RussellDr. Russell is an adjunct research professor at the University of Texas Medical Branch in the Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences in Galveston, TX. He is a semi-retired clinical psychologist and has been a Member of the Advisory Board atSignal Advance, Inc. since July 2015. He developed, patented and field-tested innovative and inexpensive neurotherapy technologies whose use is shown in experimental research studies to result in long-lasting increases in the IQ test scores of attention deficit disordered children. Dr. Russell specializes in the therapeutic use of rhythmic sensory brain stimulation in those with educational and neurological disorders. He has many years' experience developing and researching effects of neurotherapeutic sensory stimulation technologies and multiple publications on neuromodulation-related research. Dr. Russell earned a B.A. (marketing and business administration) from the University of Southern Mississippi and earned an MS and Ph.D. (clinical psychology) from the University of Houston. Read More Read Less

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