Harold Cabrera

Harold CabreraHarold Cabrera (Sun Certified Java Programmer) was the Technical Editor of the Sun Certified Programmer for Java 2 Study Guide 2nd Edition and is a Software Engineer and Co-Founder of IdleWorks Inc. Harold is the Lead Architect for the software develpment team at IdleWorks, which develops distributed processing solutions for large- and medium-sized businesses with supercomputing needs. Chris Peiris currently lectures on Distributed Object Technology and Software Component Technologies subjects at Monash University, Caulfield, Victoria, Australia. He has been designing and developing MS Web solutions since 1995. His expertise lies in developing scalable, high-performance Web solutions for financial institutions and media groups.Brian Bagnall (Sun Certified Java Programmer and Developer) is the author of the popular book Core LEGO MINDSTORMS Programming and co-author of the Sun Certified Programmer for Java 2 Study Guide. Brian has worked for IBM and other leading computer companies. He is a key programmer of leJOS, a Java SDK for LEGO MINDSTORMS. Brian has bridged the world of LEGO MINDSTORMS and .NET by figuring out how to program the LEGO RCX brick or Cybermaster using C#. Read More Read Less

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Chase That Smile26 % NR
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C# for Java Programmers45 % NR
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