Harleigh RaeHarleigh Rae resides in Baltimore, MD, a hidden oasis of art and culture. A millennial influenced by the 90's era that brought us some of the greatest love stories like Kinfolks, Blues Dancing, and Rooms of the Heart, she considers herself a culture-ed romantic. Gifted a copy of Toni Morrison's The Bluest Eye on her ninth birthday, the pages she read illuminated her mind with emotions. At that moment, she realized the healing power of literature. From that day on, she vowed to usher black women, much like herself with no prominent place in the world, into a place of loving, wholly. That mission stuck with her throughout her educational pursuits. It's what landed her at Coppin State University where she obtained a Bachelor of Arts in English with a concentration in creative writing and a minor in African-American Studies. Her desire to have complete creative and executive control over her work fueled her pursuit of a Master's of Fine Arts in Media Design from Full Sail University. Since graduating her time has been divided between teaching Pre-K literacy, writing Black romance novels, and hand-making candles and teas that center an experience to readers of Black romance.As a Black romance author of over 15 books and an avid reader of the genre, she has cultivated a deep commitment to breaking literary boundaries and obliterating genre norms by telling stories that fuse romance and reality to demystify the stereotypes surrounding black love. An early oeuvre of love stories written as an ode to lover in you, her work speaks your deepest thoughts, fulfills your wildest fantasies, and echoes your quietest vibrations. Read More Read Less
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