Hare Krishna Ghosh

Hare Krishna GhoshBorn in Kolkata, India, at 4 Garpar Road-where Yogananda had lived from the time he was eleven until he met his guru, Swami Sri Yukteswar-in October of 1920 and lived there for 74 years until he died on August 1, 2005. At the age of 15, in 1935, Yogaanda traveled back to India. It was during this meeting that Hare Krishna's life was changed forever. Hare Krishna Ghosh lived with his grandfather (Yogananda's own father) for 22 years. He spent many years learning spiritual lessons and meditating with his grandfather. He followed the teachings of his guru, Paramhansa Yogananda, for many years, living a simple life for God. Hare Krishna was then married to Anjali Bose in 1948. In 1995, Hare Krishna wrote his memoirs of his life as a member of Yogananda's family, and as his disciple. Read More Read Less

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