Hardy Coleman

Hardy ColemanHardy Coleman comes by his tall tales honestly. The son of a small-town Texas doctor, his dad would pretend to read from medical texts while spinning yarns about ghosts, sports heroes, and World War II villains. He once cooked a meal for the Rolling tones.To this day, his children have a hard time believing what he tells them because he's always making stuff up. He lives in South Minneapolis, Minnesota with his partner, Patricia Enger, who is far more gullible than his kids. In fact, she'll believe anything he says. This is probably one reason they get along so well.Hardy enjoys the life of a raconteur who draws inspiration from the stories he tells to his partner and his children. He pals around with racoons, fireflies and garlic plants in the bountiful land of the Twin Cities, Minnesota. Game Day is his first novel. Read More Read Less

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