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Hannah Sturrock

Hannah SturrockHannah Sturrock has always loved cross stitch. She initially ignored the desire to stitch all day and studied law instead. Finding that the barrister's wig didn't sit very comfortably, she started running charity events and ended up as Manager of Chrstmas at Great Ormond Street Hospital Children's Charity. No other job title was ever going to match that so after having two children, Wilfred and Olive (or Bobo as she is fondly known), she listened again to the call of cross stitch. She started designing her own contemporary patterns and in 2013, her company Bobo Stitch was born. Hannah is now the proud purveyor of cross stitch kits and a joyous embracer of the modern craft revolution. She lives in south-west London with her husband, children and a ridiculously large stash of embroidery thread. Read More Read Less

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Modern Cross Stitch48 % NR
Publisher: Cico
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08 Oct 2015
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