Hamish McTavish

Hamish McTavishHamish McTavish lives with his partner, Karen, in the remote West Highlands of Scotland, far from the madding crowd. Hamish admits he is just a big kid at heart who hasn't the slightest inclination for growing up. His debut novel is written for his to grandsons to encourage them to read, seek adventure, believe in the impossible and follow their dreams!
When not writing, Hamish can be found out on the Lochs fly fishing with Karen and grandsons; Che and Eli.
To catch up with Hamish McTavish and learn when The Adventures of Master Alfie London (Curse of the Caribbean) will be available head to https: //hamishmctavish.ampbk.com/. [https: //hamishmctavish.ampbk.com/.
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