Hamaseh Golestaneh

Hamaseh GolestanehCostanza Coppini (Dr Phil. Archaeology of the Ancient Near East, 2014) is a postdoc-researcher, currently acting as scientific consultant of the World Monuments Fund and collaborating with archaeological projects in Iraq. She has held several researc positions at the Institute for Ancient Near Eastern Archaeology at the Freie Universitat Berlin and at the Department of Humanities and Cultural Heritage at the University of Udine. Georg Cyrus is a PhD student at the Institute for Near Eastern Archaeology at the Freie Universitat Berlin, researching squatter occupations in the Iron Age of southwest Asia. He studied at the FU-Berlin and at the Bogazici University in Istanbul. Between 2016 to 2018 he worked at the Tehran Department of the DAI. He has worked on excavations in Germany, Austria, Turkey, Azerbaijan, and Iran, has published the Festschrift for Susan Pollock and organizes the theory reading group of the BergSAS. Hamaseh Golestaneh is a PhD student at the Institute for Ancient Near Eastern Studies at the Freie Universitat Berlin. Her specialty is religion and culture of the Achaemenid empire in its heartland, and how they are linked to the Indo-Iranian, Elamite, and Mesopotamian spheres. Currently, she is writing her dissertation on the Iranian gods of the Achaemenid empire. Read More Read Less

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Bridging the Gap: Disciplines, Times, and Spaces in Dialogue – Volume 31 % NR
Publisher: Archaeopress
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29 Sep 2022
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