Gulsum Oz

Gulsum OzGÜLSÜM ÖZ Literary Works"Mübadele Aşkları - Loves of the Population Exchange" 2016, SOLA Publishing."Anneler Kızları ve Esrar - Mothers, Their Daughters, and Drug", novel, 2012, Astrea Publishing. "İltica - Asylum" her first ovel, October 2009, GOA Publishing. Novels she co-authored: "Tanıklarla 12 Eylül - September 12th Through Witnesses", "Söz Kesmek Kına Yakmak - Betrothal and Applying Henna", and "Konan Göçen Kadınlar - Nomadic Women." Awarded with of Yahya Konbolat Prize for short story worthy of publication with her story called "Bülbülün Çilesi - The Ordeal of the Nightingale" in 2010.Motion Pictures - Television SeriesShe was one of the writers of the television series such as "Dullar Pansiyonu - Hostel for the Widowed", "Mahallenin Muhtarları - Headmen of the Neighborhood", "Çiçek Taksi - Flower Taxi", "Zoraki Koca - Unwilling Husband." She authored the story of the television film called "Her Şey Oğlum İçin - Everthing for my Son" as well as the story and the script of the motion picture entitled "Yengeç Oyunu - Crab Game" Her motion picture script called "Bana Söz Ver Baba - Promise Me Dad" received the motion picture grant from the Turkish Ministry of Culture and Tourism.Social ProjectsGülsüm Öz, received her first poetry award for her poem called "Vatan - Motherland" from the TRT (Turkish Radio and Television Corporation) at the age of 13. She worked as a proofreader at the Gelişim Publishing House for Grand Larousse - Büyük Larousse. Gülsüm Öz who made a name for herself with her social projects alongside her artistic and cultural professions, enabled thousands of students to have education in sports and culture by establishing Turkiye's first "All Day Free Summer School" (Her Gün Ücretsiz Yaz Okulu) in Şişli and at İstanbul Metropolitan Municipality. Furthermore, she opened "Küçükçekmece Street Children's House of Hope" and had the authorities make us of it for the street children. By collaborating ÇEVKO, an environmentalist organization, she started projects of "Solid Waste Treatment". Gülsüm Öz inaugurated "Küçükçekmece Women's Shelter" in Istanbul.Gülsüm Öz, at present keeps on writing novels and short stories beside teaching courses for writing at Marmara Arts Academy.Memberships(P.E.N) PEN Writers Association, (KYD) Kadın Yazarlar Derneği - Women's Writers Association, (FİLMSAN) Film Sanatçıları Vakfı - Foundation for Movie Artists, (SENARİSTBİR) Senaryo Yazarları Birliği - Union for Script Writers, (BESAM) Bilim ve Edebiyat Eseri Sahipleri Meslek Birliği - Union of Authors of Scientific and Literary Works, (THSD) Türkiye Halk Sağlığı Derneği - Turkish Association for Public Health. Read More Read Less

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