Guillermo Auad

Guillermo AuadDr. Guillermo Auad is the Senior Research Coordinator and a Science Advisor at the US Department of the Interior's Bureau of Safety and Environmental Enforcement. Earlier, he was the chief of the physical and chemical sciences branch at the Departmen's Bureau of Ocean Energy Management. Before 2010 and for over a decade, he was a faculty member at Scripps Institution of Oceanography, University of California, San Diego, and an Adjunct Professor of Oceanography at Palomar College. He has created national and international partnerships including an award-winning project between the United States and Canada on Arctic marine ecosystems as well as multi-nation partnerships addressing ocean sustainability, through the Belmont Forum. He was one of the US Government lead reviewers of the IPCC Fifth Assessment Report and a contributing author to the Third National Climate Assessment. Since 2010, he has focused on project management of different interdisciplinary studies used to inform decisions on offshore energy. Dr. Auad has co-authored national policies on Arctic research and several publications ranging from multidisciplinary studies using observations and models, to the application of socio-ecological resilience concepts for effective resource management and adaptation. He received his PhD in Oceanography from Scripps Institution of Oceanography. Read More Read Less

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