Greta Sykes

Greta SykesGreta Sykes is a German-English poet and author, with a professional life in child and adolescent psychology. This is her second novel. Her first novel, Under Charred Skies, is a biographical story which narrates life around her grandmother and mothe during the Weimar Republic. It was published in German under Unter Verbranntem Himmel. Greta Sykes's poems have been published in many anthologies. Her most recent volume is called The Shipping News and has a strong focus on nature. She also writes essays. Her work can be found on and She is a member of the Romantic Novelists Association and London Voices Poetry group. Her most recent essays are 'Secular ecstasies and revolutionary women poets in 1917' and 'Powerful women in 12th century "Early Renaissance" Sicily'. Read More Read Less

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