Greta Gonzalez

Greta GonzalezGRETA GONZALEZ is an independent artist who grew up in Corvallis, Oregon and starts her first year at Centre College in Danville, Kentucky. She spends her time reading, hiking and playing with her younger siblings. Largely self-taught, she has had a assion for art her entire life, fostered by her elementary education at the Corvallis Waldorf School. In 2022, she attended the selective Governor's School for the Arts in Kentucky. In 2023, her art received an Honorable Mention in the Regional Scholastic Art & Writing Awards. Gonzalez's introduction into the world of illustration began with a recent project for the Letitia Carson Foundation, illustrating a children's book for a local elementary school. Now, she makes her professional debut as illustrator of Silly Lily's Rhyming Adventures in Nature. Read More Read Less

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Silly Lily's Rhyming Adventures in Nature17 % NR
Publisher: Eco-Justice Press
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20 Oct 2023
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Hermeneutica analogica y las tareas de la filosofia (Spanish Edition)
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