Grant PinkDr Grant Pink is a 'regulatory pracademic', meaning his work and research activities span practitioner and academic worlds. Grant has 30 years' experience: in regulatory, enforcement, and policing agencies; across practitioner, leadership, senior mangement, academic, and consultant roles; at subnational, national, and international levels. Grant is a recognised expert: in regulatory and enforcement networks; and building capability and capacity within and across regulatory and enforcement agencies. Grant has delivered: keynotes, presentations, seminars, and workshops at international conferences in Africa, Asia, Europe, Oceania, and North America. Grant has written more than thirty publications. Grant's views are drawn from six (6) very different, but mutually reinforcing perspectives. Perspectives including those of a: -regulatory practitioner - having been an authorised officer, inspector, ranger, and warden engaged in regulatory practice under dozens of acts and pieces of legislation; -regulatory manager - managing regulatory staff and teams engaged in regulatory delivery; -regulatory executive - leading regulatory teams to deliver regulatory outcomes; -regulatory scholar - completing research at both Master and Doctorate level on networking and interoperability between regulatory, enforcement, and policing agencies; and building regulatory capability and capacity in regulatory and enforcement agencies respectively. And then translating and transferring this research into writings and teachings on the regulatory profession and regulatory professionalism; -regulatory consultant - advising numerous regulatory, enforce- ment, and policing agencies, at all levels of government, both domestically and internationally, on issues relating to regulatory capability; regulatory capacity; regulatory culture; and regulator performance; and -regulatory coach and mentor - assisting individuals, as they perform in and/or transition between regulatory: practitioner; manager; executive; or regulatory board/committee roles, as they engage in regulatory leadership; and regulatory management. Read More Read Less