Grad L Flick

Grad L FlickGrad L. Flick is a licensed clinical psychologist in the states of Mississippi and Arkansas. He has specialization in neuropsychology and certification in biofeedback and stress management. He is also an EAP provider and has trainingin critical incidence stress debriefing. Flick has been in private practice for over 38 years and has seen thousands of children, adolescents, and adults. Currently, he is director of Seacoast Psychological Associates, Inc. and the ADD Clinic. The ADD Clinic offers assessment and treatment for children, adolescents, and adults who have ADHD. Flick has numerous scientific presentation and publication credits, has conducted many workshops for both parents and teachers on ADHD, and has given lectures to various parent and teacher organizations on ADHD and child management.Flick is the author of seven books on ADHD, including Power Parenting for Children with ADD/ADHD (1996) and the ADD/ADHD Behavior Change Resource Kit (1998). He has research and clinical experience with children who present attention, learning, and/or behavioral disorders. He has a doctorate from the University of Miami (1969) with an APA-approved internship in clinical psychology at the University of Florida Medical Center. Read More Read Less

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Add / ADHD Behavior-Change Resource Kit28 % NR
Publisher: Jossey-Bass
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02 Jan 1998
International Edition
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Power Parenting for Children with ADD/ADHD48 % NR
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08 May 1996
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