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Gloria Nusse

Gloria NusseGloria Nusse is a Scientific Sculptor with a Master's degree in Biological Anthropology. She is also an anatomist and teaches human anatomy at San Francisco State University. She's contributed to Forensic Art Essentials by Lois Gibson (Elsevier/Acadeic Press, 2008) and Broken Bones: Anthropological Analysis of Blunt Force Trauma edited by Vicki Wedel and Alison Galloway. Gloria is a member of the International Association of Forensic Identification, California State Coroners Association, and the Guild of Natural Science Illustrators. Her work has been featured on 48 Hours Mystery and America's Most Wanted among other top-rated shows and publications. Her facial reconstruction work has helped to solve the identity of victims of homicide and suicide and aided in the personal identity of 16 unidentified remains. Her most recent reconstructions and publications include the reconstruction of a young man who lived 4000 years ago from Bahrain. Read More Read Less

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