Glenn J Hill

Glenn J HillI started writing some years ago, when I was studying to become a Certified Jewish Storyteller. At the time I began writing my own original stories to tell to live audiences, along with my own versions of traditional tales. I had not known my Motherwas Jewish when I was younger. I only found out in the last twenty years that she was from a hidden Jewish family who at pain of death, had to flee from persecution and the Inquisition in Spain and Portugal in the 1400`s, 1500`s and 1600`s. And from Russia in abt 1700.
Some of my ancestral Jewish family in Venice claimed to be descended from King David, though there is no sure proof of this. In the 1500`s and later they were court musicians and instrument builders in the Courts of Henry VIII and Queen Elizabeth, where the family continued to play music for the Royal Court and the Globe Theater in London. Eventually their descendants settled in the American colonies, as early as 1609. I draw upon this once hidden ancestry and my stringed instrument building experiences in my writing. I am a trained classical Italian violin builder, and harp builder, designing, building and carving custom one-of-a-kind harps for forty-one years now. My creative endeavors over the years include having danced ballet and modern dance with local dance companies, as well as acting, dancing and singing in semi-professional musical and dramatic theater productions. . I live and write in Southwest Oregon, with my beautiful wife Laurie, and our two sweet girl dogs, Princess Jasmine, a Shih-tzu, and Bella, a Lhasa Apso.

This book of stories was partially inspired by past life recalls I have had, as well as a near-death experience I experienced on Yom Kippur, before I found out I was Jewish by birth. Follow your Bliss and Live your Life in Joy. Glenn J. Hill

Facebook: Glenn J Hill Author Mountain Glen Publishing Phoenix OR

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