Glenda CarrollIf you want to find Glenda Carroll, she'll be in, on, or under water-and writing about it. She understands water sports on a very personal level since she swims, surfs and sails. Glenda wrote a weekly sailing column for the Marin Independent Journal or 19 years. During that time, she also wrote for local, national and international sailing publications. She branched into travel writing and her features have appeared in the San Francisco Chronicle, Travel & Leisure, Ford Times, Chevron USA, Defenders of Wildlife, and Bay & Delta Yachtsman., a surfing website, asked her to write a twice-weekly column, which she did for more than three years. Drop Dead Red (DDR) is the second mystery in the Trisha Carson series. Both DDR and her debut mystery, Dead in the Water, are based on personal experience in open water swimming. She's raced in more than 150 open water events in Northern California, as well as Hawaii and Perth, Australia. She was the Open Water Chair for Pacific Masters Swimming for five years and was the point person for more than 25 open water swims each season ranging in length from 500 yards to 5K/10K. Glenda is listed in Although water sports are her passion, they don't pay the bills. She worked for Kaiser Permanente as a Communication Manager. Now, she works for the San Francisco Giants in Guest Services, a baseball junkies dream job. She has an M.A. from Miami University, Oxford, Ohio and a B.A. from Indiana University. She is a member of Sisters in Crime and the Women's National Book Association. Read More Read Less