Glen Natalier

Glen NatalierGlen Natalier was born into a closely knit rural community in the Lockyer Valley in Queensland, Australia. He chose not to stay on the family farm but completed the necessary studies to become a high school teacher of geography and German language. Dring these teaching years he wrote a number of geography text books directed towards the syllabus requirements at that time. This allowed him to travel widely collecting, first hand, material and photographs to be used in the books. Years of teaching have left him with a love of learning and he finds that writing helps detract from the cares and worries which always seem to arise.The tennis and footballs of previous years have morphed into golf balls which bring great pleasure when seen against the green of the centre of a fairway. Now retired, he lives with his wife, Jill. They live in a town just over a few hills from where he was born. Their four children and their families are scattered around Australia. Read More Read Less

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Sabre and the Heart22 % NR
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Sunrise in the West1 % NR
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