Glen Hopkins

Glen HopkinsGlen Hopkins is an internationally renowned Internet marketer, the director of ListOpt Publications Inc. and a #1 Best Selling Author. Glen specializes in helping online business owners build large, highly profitable opt-in email lists. Many of his cients have generated millions of dollars in revenue using the marketing strategies that he teaches. In the last seven years while working online, Glen has founded several successful Internet businessesand over 100 other web properties selling various types of products and services. Currently, Glen is in the midst of developing a highly anticipated home study course and teleseminar series with several other Internet Marketing heavyweights that will reveal the best kept secrets on how to build a highly profitable opt-in email list. And the great news is, in addition to all the wonderful products and services he's developed, is Glen's willingness to share his marketing wisdom with others. Other Interesting Facts About Glen Hopkins... RESIDENCE: Vancouver, Canada EDUCATION: Graduated from the University of Guelph with a Bachelor of Arts, double major in Psychology and Sociology. INTERESTS: Since my teenage years I have been interested in personal development, and have studied countless books and tape programs. I have applied many of the concepts I have learned, to my own life and business, and have developed a practical knowledge of what works and what does not. I am very grateful for all that I have learned from my studies. These materials have helped me in so many ways over the years. One of the principles I have learned is the ?gift of giving?. As a result, I started with the intention of spreading personal development materials to as many people around the world as possible. Since starting, I have received a tremendous amount of positive feedback. People from all over the world, in all walks of life, have a sincere interest in living lives of compassion, understanding, dedication and fulfillment. I am extremely grateful that I have the opportunity to share my ?Motivational Messages? with so many people. It gives me a great deal of personal satisfaction knowing that my messages touch so many people in a positive way. Because Sales and Marketing rely heavily on both Psychology and Sociology, I quickly developed a strong love and understanding, for Internet Marketing. And as a result, I have been very successful in both areas. FOR FUN: I enjoy mountain biking, weight training, golfing, squash, hanging out with friends, reading, and watching movies. The thing I enjoy most is play fighting with my two little boys. We love living in White Rock - just outside of Vancouver - close to the water, the mountains, and everything this multicultural city has to offer. My interests include physical fitness and mental health, travel, marketing, photography, and more. I am often accused of having too many interests! Read More Read Less

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