Gl Franklyn

Gl FranklynA native of Detroit, MI, G L Franklyn has lived in Portland, OR since 1987. He is a longtime LGBTQ+ activist and advocate. Along the way, he has enjoyed a number of careers, including 3-time juried award winning Community Television Producer/Director A small time Singer/Songwriter in the 80s and, most recently, a Social Worker helping homeless men find and maintain stable housing, and, most recently, an author. He's gay and a hold-over from the Hippy Movement of the 70's. Since 2007 he has been writing in an apparently secret internet blog, spouting off about national and international politics. Today he enjoys a quiet life in a trailer park with his cat, Miss Thing, where he is still trying to figure out what he wants to do with his life. Read More Read Less

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09 Jun 2023
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