Ginny Black

Ginny BlackGinny Black served on the Compost Councils Research and Education Foundation Board of Trustees since 1995, chairing the organization since 2014. She served on the US Composting Council's Board of Directors from 1995 to 2010. She currently chairs the innesota Composting Council (MNCC), a non-profit organization founded in 2012. The MNCC is a State Chapter of the US Composting Council, working with composters, businesses, and the public sector to divert and process organic materials to compost facilities. Ginny served as a technical staff person for recycling and composting with the Minnesota State Agency's from 1987 to 2013, setting up recycling and composting programs throughout the state of MN. In her last 12-years she focused exclusively on promoting reduction and composting of organic materials. She also served on the City of Plymouth's city council from 1995 to 2013 and was the Councils Representative to the City's Environmental Quality Commission. Read More Read Less

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Composting Handbook
Publisher: Elsevier Science
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01 Sep 2021
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