Gina G Clement

Gina G ClementG.G. Clement is a passionate advocate for emotional well-being. With a background in nursing, midwifery, and psychology and over 25 years of clinical practice, she has gained extensive knowledge in the fields. She has delved into various psychologica concepts and strategies that are the foundation of her book Food, Feelings, and Freedom. Her foremost belief is that everyone has the capacity for change, and her mission is to empower readers on this transformative journey. In her free time, she is a lifelong student and enjoys being creative with almost anything. She is also a budding hobby orchardist and loves to take her dog for a walk. G.G. Clement resides in Queensland, Australia, and is always exploring new ways to promote emotional well-being and personal growth. Read More Read Less

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Food, Feelings & Freedom24 % NR
Publisher: Gina Clement
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19 Jun 2024
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