Gillian ThompsonEpic memoir of the Hon. A. A. Thompson, his wife and their fifteen children from Trinidad and Tobago, who were the tangible inspiration for Saint, Pope Paul VI's encyclical, 'Humanae Vitae'. This was part of the parents' mission as part of God's planin the scheme of fulfilling the Third Secret which was revealed to the three shepherd children at Fatima. However, there were surreptitious plans going on to thwart the father's progress in God's work in the local political arena, in which there were a few opponents of his within his own close circle who were out to oust him out and take over from his coveted friendship with the Prime Minister, the Right Hon. Dr. Eric Williams. A few such persons allegedly were his own son-in-law, Ted Boodoosingh, who was the news-carrier to Hon. A. A. Thompson's colleagues, Kamalludin Mohammed and ANR Robinson. The latter of whom had sought to capitalize on the country's romanticism of the isle of Tobago by making them subliminally believe that he had a connection to as the legendary "Robinson Crusoe". As well, he sought to tie himself to a popular colloquial saying within the twin isles, which in fact had been around since time immemorial, but he used the saying, "as quick as Jack Robinson", to bolster up his image in the eyes of his followers who were none the wiser. Hon. A. A. Thompson's legendary status was also exponentially growing within the population, with a slang saying which was, "A A", and had become a vernacular exclamation that was trending (and still trends) throughout the country! In retaliation, ANR Robinson allegedly couldn't have faced such a challenge without winning, and so he desired to remove Hon. A. A. Thompson and the entire Thompson family, by burying their names in dirt, in files and files of Manila folders or envelopes, deep in the soils of both islands, for people to walk over them, in order to bring down the Thompson name. Added to the popularity dilemma that ANR Robinson faced was the fact that Hon. A. A. Thompson was "double-in-laws" with the iconic author of the bestseller "The Students Companion", Wilfred D. Best. Needless to say, given the over-ambitious nature of ANR Robinson, he never demonstrated any gratitude nor respect for the fact that long before the Independence of Trinidad and Tobago in 1962, even before the PNM was dreaming to be born, there was the civil service and Hon. A. A. Thompson was a civil servant since 1936, and paradoxically was the notable founder in 1938. Read More Read Less