Gilbert Guerin

Gilbert GuerinGilbert Guerin, PhD, is on the staff of the San Jose State University Foundation where he directs teacher preparation and demonstration projects. Previously he held the position of professor of special education and department chair at San Jose StateUniversity. He has also held faculty positions in the schools of Education at the University of California at Berkeley, in Educationaly Psychology at California State University, Hayward and in Psychology at Dominican College, San Rafael, California. He was a school psychologist for more than 10 years and holds teaching credentials in elementary education, secondary education, and special education. He is the author of Informal Assessment in Education; Improving Instruction for Youth at Risk; and Critical Steps in Curriculum Reform and coauthored Bridges to Reading. He is the coauthor of recent articles titled "Confronting the Problem of Poor Literacy: Recognition and Action," "Plans, Predictions, and Frustrations in the Education of a Troubled Youth: Michael′s Story-One of Many," and "Dropout Prevention: a Case for Enhanced Early Literacy Efforts." He is a mentor and trainer with the Monarch Project, University of Illinois at Chicago, and has provided similar services for the Alliance Project at Vanderbilt University. He has developed an online instructional resource site for high school teachers of students who are at-risk for school failure (found at http: // He actively supports parent participation in the instructional decisions for children and youth and collaborates with Parent Helping Parents, a family resource center. Read More Read Less

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