Gila Archer

Gila ArcherGila is a mum of 3 children and an entrepreneur, who runs her own hybrid Pilates business helping busy women, whose fitness feels like another chore on their never ending to do list, to live a physically active and fulfilled life. For years, the lackof any exercise left her feeling guilty, frustrated, tired and overwhelmed. Through her own personal growth, she now teaches Bitesize Pilates and shares her 'Triangle of Strength' approach to fitness, so other busy women can build strength, improve flexibility and feel good about themselves in an enjoyable and achievable way. In addition to being a primary school teacher, she has helped many children who had motor co-ordination difficulties through working with them and their parents, delivering training and writing resources to support other teachers. Her research shows that Pilates movements make a significant improvement in not just children's physical development but in their cognitive, social and emotional development too. She loves moving and being upside down continuing with her childhood activities; dancing, gymnastics, aerial silks, ballet, trampolining and walking. Gila has taught Pilates since 2003 and is now a Level 4 Pilates Teacher.Pilates enables her to continue moving easily, living a fulfilled and active, healthy life. Read More Read Less

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I Choose to Move10 % NR
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Publisher: Jigsaw Publishing
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