Gery C Karantzas

Gery C KarantzasGery C. Karantzas is a Senior Lecturer in the School of Psychology at Deakin University. He is currently the convenor of the Australian Psychological Society (APS) Psychology of Relationships Interest Group. He has published numerous studies in the aea of close personal relationships with a specific interest in investigating couple and family relationships during transitions and in adult attachment. He received his PhD from La Trobe University in 2008. His research activities have been funded by grants from the Australian Research Council, the National Health and Research Medical Council, the Academy of Social Sciences in Australia, the Office of Learning and Teaching, and beyondblue. He is the recipient of numerous university and national awards for his research and teaching into the science of relationships including the 2010 Australian Psychological Society Early Career Teaching Award and the 2011 Australian Learning and Teaching Council Citation for Distinguished Teaching. Read More Read Less

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