Gerrio S Rahming

Gerrio S RahmingRaised in the sunshine of Nassau, Bahamas, Gerrio came up by doing everything that kept his feet and his busy. From sports and music, Gerrio was able to see firsthand what happens when you dedicate yourself to what you're doing. Understanding the phiosophy and lifestyle of hard work yielding results is what built the bridge for his travels as a teenager from the beaches in Nassau, Bahamas to the mountains in the state of Georgia in The United States, to expand his outlook on life. The journey across waters, in the pursuit of glory on a field in the sun that shined on him as a child, brought treasures, lessons, and revelations that that was deemed pivotal in his realization of what glory is. The experiences since his initial choice to meet his desires are what has redesigned his approach to life by broadening his desires from dreaming to thinking and doing. It's more complicated than that but it's that simple. Think and do. "Create Your Own Luck" and "Strive For Greatness." Plain and simple. Read More Read Less

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