Gerhard GreeffGerhard Greeff is an engineer with qualifications in Chemical engineering, production management and quality management and control. He has worked in various industries, including chemical and petrochemical, paper and pulp, mining, metals and pharmacutical manufacture.His working career includes periods working as a plant supervisor, foreman and manager, quality manager, safety, health and environmental manager, change implementer and business consultant. He is currently employed as Divisional Manager: Consulting at Altech Informatics (Pty) Ltd, and is in charge of a group of consultants responsible for the design of manufacturing management software solutions, including SCADA, MES, SCM and others.Gerhard has published various papers and articles related to production management, safety, health, environment and quality, as well as the implementation of change, software solution design and MES.Gerhard fervently believes that software solutions should only be implemented to drive behavior, support business and physical processes, and to assist the company in achieving more value from these processes, not for any other reason. He believes that most of the concepts, tools and solutions explored in this book can be coordinated, synchronized and can add tremendous value to any manufacturer. He feels that the extent to which a company exploits their IT investment in this domain is only limited by economic factors and the individuals' imagination. Read More Read Less