Gerardo Perillo

Gerardo PerilloProfessor Gerardo M. E. Perillo is a Senior Superior Researcher from CONICET working at the Instituto Argentino de Oceanografía (IADO) (where he was Vicedirector for 11 years). He is also Professor in the departments of Geología, and Geografía and Tuismo, both from the Universidad Nacional del Sur, all in Bahía Blanca, Argentina. Although his main research interest is the dynamic of sediment transport in both marine and continental environments, he works in a wide range of fields including: process-related geomorphologic evolution and physical-biological interactions in estuaries, coastal wetlands, beaches, lakes and rivers. In the last 10 years he also works in participatory activities related to stakeholder engagement. He has published or edited 15 books and special issues of journals plus over 300 publications and reports. He was awarded several prizes including the Konex Award to the trajectory. He has been Chief Editor of Latin American Journal of Sedimentology and Basin Analysis (LAJSBA), and member of the editorial board of Marine Geology, Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Sciences, Wetland Ecology and Management, and LAJSBA. He also serves in various committees regarding to the National Program for Oceanography under the Ministry of Science and Technology of Argentina Read More Read Less

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Estuaries of South America37 %
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