Gerald W Driskill

Gerald W DriskillDr. Gerald W. Driskill (Ph.D., University of Kansas; M.A., & B.A., Abilene Christian University)is an Associate Professor of Speech Communication at the University of Arkansas at Little Rock. He has taught graduate classes in Organiztional Culture and Intercultural Communication since 1993 at UALR. He has taught Managerial Communication in Bangkok, Thailand and has also published a number of organizational communication articles from observation and interview transcript analysis in a multinational firm to analysis of communication patterns in day care cultures. He has served as a President of the local chapter of ASTD (American Society for Training and Development). The workbook grew from his collaboration with Dr. Brenton as he received positive feedback from mid-level managers and others in the ASTD network that used the course material in their own organizations.

Gerald continues to teach in the areas of organizational and intercultural communication. On campus he continues to take a lead role in internationalizing the curriculum. His current participant observer research focuses on communication and unity among religious, non-profit, and government organizations engaged in community building. This research provides a window into issues relevant to leaders creating a culture of community mindedness within their organizations.
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