Georgina R Stones

Georgina R StonesGeorgina Stones was born and raised in Tasmania, but has recently made themove across Bass Strait to reside in Victoria. She has a love of history, with thelives of Australian outlaws Joe Byrne and Michael Howe her main interests inthat field.She attnded school in Ulverstone and has since studied journalism throughDeakin University. Her natural inquisitiveness and perseverance have paid off inher work on An Outlaw's Journal, uncovering many previously forgotten or over-looked aspects of the life of Joe Byrne, particularly in regards to his early life andconnections to the Chinese community. She also researches and writes for herwebsite Michael Howe: Governor of the Woods for which she has been interviewedon ABC Radio and featured in Traces magazine. Read More Read Less

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Outlaw's Journal31 % NR
Publisher: Georgina Stones
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03 Feb 2022
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