Georgi Mishev

Georgi MishevGeorgi Mishev, PhD, born 1982, is a Bulgarian author and researcher in ancient culture and religion of the Mediterranean world and especially in magic practices, rituals and ancient relics in the folklore of the Balkan people. He has a bachelor's degee in Russian and German language, master's degree in Preservation of the cultural-historical heritage in the Republic of Bulgaria (master's thesis on the subject Thracian material and immaterial cultural-historical heritage in the region of Thracian cult centre Starosel) and doctoral degree in the field of cultural-historical heritage (PhD thesis on the subject Bulgarian traditional culture as an information resource about the magica in ancient Southeastern Europe). The scholar knowledge of G. Mishev is enriched by his personal observations and conversations with magical practitioners in Bulgaria today. Because of his education - Russian and German philology, he is familiar with the written magical rituals of a number of Slavic and Germanic peoples. A tremendous contribution to his understanding of the ancient magical tradions and especially the Greek Magical Papyri was the seminar 'Ancient magical formulae' of Prof. Johann Tischler at the Dresden University of Technology, Germany in 2003/2004 and during the same period emerged his interest about Hittite ritual practices used later for comparative research of the Thracian culture. Blessed by being a member of family of healers and trained in folk traditional magic, he is also a Priest and founder of the Threskeia, a pagan tradition based on the beliefs of ancient Thrace - see Read More Read Less

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Washing Rituals from Bulgaria28 % NR
Publisher: Avalonia
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30 Jun 2022
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