Georgette Kores

Georgette KoresGeorgette Kores lives, works, and plays with her husband and two amazing boys in South Florida. Her oldest son has a rare genetic condition, Coffin Siris Syndrome, ARID1B-related disorder, which, among other conditions, makes life look a little diffeent. This book was inspired by two things: the conversations and teaching moments she gets to share with her youngest son about the differences and similarities between people with all levels of abilities, as well as the "I can" statements we encourage our oldest son with highlighting all the things he can do, even if he does some of them differently or with help. As a parent of an atypically-developing child and a typically-developing child, Georgette believes she got the best of both worlds. When she was looking for a children's book that she could share with her typically-developing son and their friends that would normalize disability, she couldn't find one. So she decided to write it herself. She hopes her book inspires hope, inclusion, and great conversations between adults and children with all levels of abilities. Read More Read Less

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All the Things We Can Do!11 % NR
Publisher: Nextone Inc
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30 Jun 2023
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All the Things We Can Do!12 % NR
Publisher: Nextone Inc
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30 Jun 2023
International Edition
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