George StumpfGeorge Stumpf was raised in Pennsylvania and attended Milton Hershey, a school for children of low income, limited resources and social need. It was there on the farm where he milked cows, paving the way to becoming a distinguished honors student, thee sport athlete and entrepreneur. He majored in Engineering at the University of Pittsburgh before finding acting, picking up minors in Theatre Arts and English Lit. He performed in Regional theatre and Off-Broadway productions, including several Shakespeare plays and has most recently performed at Upright Citizens Brigade. Over the year, he has received countless roles in soaps, tv shows, independent film, print and commercials. You can find all of his work at HIs writing career took off with his indie screenplay, Passed On, which was a quarterfinalist in the 2009 American Zoetrope Screenplay Contest. He followed that up with a sitcom pilot, My Two Friends, which placed fourth in the 2011 LA Comedy Festival's Screenplay Competition. Currently, his ebook is an Amazon #1 bestseller. Personal note from the author: I am so honored to share Melting with you! This is all so crazy because I never actually set out to write a book nor had I ever thought poetry would be something that would inspire me. Melting is an accumulation of poems written over the years when I was, emotionally, at my most raw. If a relationship ended or if I needed to get something off my chest, I just wrote. Last year, I pulled my writings out from under the bed and friends made me realize that some were actually pretty good... this book is the result. Putting words on paper really helped get me through some tough times and I am encouraging you, especially if you struggling with mental health issues, to do the same, to share their thoughts and feelings. It doesn't have to be poetry or even writing. It can be through song, dance or whichever creative outlet you want to explore. My main intention with this book is to inspire you. I am the perfect example that, if you just follow your heart, anything can be done. I put this challenge to you-- please message me with updates along your journey! poems Read More Read Less