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George J Caspar

George J CasparGeorge Caspar grew up in suburban Connecticut in the 1970s and 1980s. He graduated from Boston University in 1993 and from Loyola Law School in New Orleans in 1999. After graduating law school where he met his wife Louanne (of 23 years) he largely enured a career of corporate / cubicle jobs until 2012. In that year he started working for an insurance company from home which freed him from the world of office politics and cubicles.George always had a love for writing and being creative and throughout his life has created many characters and storylines. He is a history buff particularly in the areas of Roman and Byzantine history. This and specific works of literature including 1984 by George Orwell, The Lord of the Rings by JRR Tolkien and War and Peace by Leo Tolstoy have informed his method of storytelling. He is also very interested in spirituality and the role that shame and guilt (especially when felt strongly at a young age) can influence a person's personality.George currently lives in North Carolina with his wife and two daughters. Read More Read Less

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