Gene Ventriglia

Gene Ventriglia"On July 5, 1958, Gene Ventriglialanded in New York harbor follow-ing a ten-day trip on the Italian shipGiulio Cesare. A World War II baby, Gene was a product of postwar Italyand came from a very poor environ-ment. Gene and his family were mov-ing tothe United States in an effort toimprove their lives. This young immi-grant experienced tremendous setbacksduring his early days in America.Gene overcame the unexpecteddeath of his father one year after hisarrival, and Gene struggled with his English but still graduated fromhigh school on time. Overcoming great difficulties, Gene went onto earn a BA degree in three short years and a master's degree in oneyear. He earned both degrees with a magna cum laude.Gene has always had a deep passion for the game of soccer. Thispassion was the tool that continuously helped him overcome obsta-cles and develop the necessary determination to stay on task to findhis American Dream. When faced with difficult tasks, Gene alwaysrelied on his love for this game to push him to succeed. His strongdetermination and drive were fueled by the fact that he could alwayslook forward to the next soccer practice or soccer match to revivehis motivation to overcome the next challenge. This passion alwaysfueled his inner strength and determination.While attending college, Gene was driven by his desire to suc-ceed. This feeling was also a determining factor in becoming anoutstanding soccer player. A four-time all-conference and all-stateselection, Gene was also a three-time college all-American. In hissenior year, Soccer Magazine selected him as National College Playerof the Year. Five short years following his arrival in the USA, Genebecame an American citizen. In December 1966, Gene Ventrigliawas selected to be a member of the 1968 US Olympic Soccer Squadas well as a member of the 1967 Pan-American Soccer Team.Gene Ventriglia devoted his life to teaching. He was a highschool teacher for twenty years, teaching French and Spanish, as wellas history (European studies). In 1985, he fulfilled his life dream ofcoaching at the Division I level. He was named as the women's soccercoach at the US Military Academy at West Point. Gene headed theprogram until 2009. In 2020, Gene Ventriglia reached his quest forthat dream as he was given the ultimate honor of being inducted tothe West Point Athletics Hall of Fame. He would also be inducted tohis alma mater's Hall of Fame, as well as the New York State SoccerHall of Fame." Read More Read Less

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Passion for the Beautiful Game, Soccer31 % NR
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